Beginnings Activities

Dinosaur Skeleton Model

     We purchased the kit at a dollar store, although I have seen them affordably priced at educational outlets. It was really simple to piece together. First, he painted the pieces a nice brown fossil colour, then after drying, he popped them all out, labelling pieces by number and sorting them as he went.  Using the picture as a reference, he then put the matching numbers together. Adding a dot of glue at key joints, the skeleton came quickly together. He was so proud of this little project.

 This particular dinosaur was a Styracosaurus, but they come in all types.

Noah's Ark Model
from Answers in Genesis

Dinosaur Dragon Art
When a Creation speaker came to town, both boys went to his presentation about Dinosaurs. They, and their Daddy, knew quite a few answers he asked the crowd, and afterwards they proudly presented him with their imaginative drawings of dragons... dinosaurs.

Ark Cross-Section in Acrylic on Canvas

Creation Week Poster

Dinosaur Poster and Presentation
